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Zero Hour

Released 12th August 2020, prices start at $10.32 USD.

About Zero Hour

Zero Hour is a tactical FPS with online team-based game play that takes place in a variety of fictional locations interpreted in Bangladesh with Real-life scale & resource management. It brings a grounded, close quarter combat experience to the game.
A tactical FPS with online team-based action game play that takes place in a variety of locations in Bangladesh with Real-life scale & resource management. Inspired by various other tactical shooter games, Zero Hour tries to bring a very grounded CO-OP and Team vs Team experience in locations with real-life scale (no video game scale) and resource management. In multiplayer, both sides are tasked to wipe out the other team and complete objectives. The defenders are tasked to protect the bomb from being defused and keep their hostage from being rescued and running away. On the contrary, the attackers are to defuse the bomb or rescue the hostage held captive. In the CO-OP mode, based on the map you decide to play in, will have several objectives that will need to be completed in order to call for extraction.

Zero Hour brings a very grounded CO-OP, 5v5, team vs team, Close quarter combat experience to the game that focuses on two teams with each player having their own roles. The attackers utilizing shields, weapons and the planning table and the terrorists utilizing traps and gadgets in order to fortify the area. With CO-OP game mode will allow you to play bigger operations that you can either tackle solo or with a team of 5. The game mode will have a difficulty level of "Regular" or "Hardcore". The difficulty level will determine the reaction time and predictability of the enemies. The game mode will not prioritize killing all enemies and will allow stealthy approach to complete objectives. You will be able to arrest the enemies if in the right scenarios. You will also need to collect evidence, such as dropped guns from the enemy.

The CO-OP mode is a new installment we added where players can play to achieve the experience of SWAT units. This game mode will allow you to play bigger operations that you can either tackle solo or with a team of up to 5. With each operation, you are tasked to complete objectives such as bringing order to chaos. There are more objectives such as rescuing multiple hostages, arresting or neutralizing specific suspects and more which are being added down the line. Suspects may or may not have patrolling routes that are random every session and can interact with the environment to give it a challenge. They can hide under beds, tables and inside closets. They are also capable of taking a hostage and use them as a shield, making it harder for you to engage. Suspects can also surrender based on a few criteria; If a suspect is outnumbered from behind they will always surrender and if you are one on one with a suspect, based on the suspect's fear level, they may or may not surrender.

At the start of each round, MS-09 Unit (The Attacking Team) can come up with strategies by drawing in the planning table with a 3D miniature version of the location being played similar to the use of blueprints. It can be used to direct teammates where to spawn and/or advance from. There are 3 types of marker that you can place around the planning table which can indicate danger and objectives. During this phase, The Terrorists (The Defending Team) will be given time to place traps and gadgets to aid in their defense strategy.

Both Teams have resources that they need to manage per 3 rounds. The Attacking Team has 2 sets of 5 types of weapons while The Defending Team has 5 sets of 5 types of gadgets. This is crucial in terms of saving your resources, picking up and utilizing your opponent’s weapons, and not giving an advantage to your enemies

The hostage held captive by the defenders will have its own mindset which means it would run away if not careful. This indicates that it would be critical to keep an eye on the hostage and move it around wherever a player feels necessary.

In order to bring a realistic approach, the doors help in encouraging slow and tactical gameplay. It would cause both teams to hesitate before entering a room since it will be oblivious to know what’s going on behind the door.

The switch causes a complete blackout of the whole operation building that you're playing on. By doing this, the players won’t be able to visualize their surroundings unless they use the tactical flashlight.

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Game Age Ratings (For Parents)

Feel free to search for this game via ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB.
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We couldn't find any ratings for this game.

Game Genres & Tags (11)

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Game Features (6)

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Game Developers (2)

Developed by M7 Productions and Attrito.

Game Publishers (2)

Published by M7 Productions and Attrito.


Here are the recommended system requirements for Zero Hour. Please note that download sizes, operating systems and other requirements vary depending on platform. We advise looking at the requirements before buying from a retailer on their website.

Operating System (OS):Windows
Storage (Size):10GB available space
Memory (RAM):12GB RAM
Processor (CPU):Intel Core i7-4770K or AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
Graphics Card (GPU):Nvidia Geforce GTX 960 4GB or AMD R9 290 4GB
DirectX Version:Version 11


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What are the age ratings for this game (for parents)?

We haven't got any age ratings on file for this game, you will need to search for the age rating on any of the following websites: ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB. Please note that age ratings are different in each region - for example ESRB is used in the United States.

Which platforms can I play/activate this game on?

Zero Hour is currently available on the following platforms:

  • PC

When was this video game released?

Zero Hour was released:

12th August 2020

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may have released earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There are 2 companies which have created Zero Hour, here is a full list of credited developers and publishers:


Where and how can I buy/download/try this game?

You can view all available product offers under the "Buy (Compare Prices)" tab at the top of the page. Use the filters to narrow down the results and grab the right offer for you, choose from 90+ approved retailers and get this game on all major platforms including PC, console, VR/AR, mobile/tablet and cloud gaming services. A demo/trial of this game might be available, which will allow you to try a limited version before you buy.

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What are reviews for this video game like?

You can read user reviews and critic scores for this video game by clicking the "Audience Reviews" tab at the top of the page, this will show you an overview of reviews on platforms like Steam, GOG and OpenCritic.

Is this video game part of a series/franchise?

Unfortunately, Zero Hour is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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Name:Zero Hour
Release Date:12th August 2020 (12/08/2020)
Current Price:$10.32 to $18.99 (Compare Prices)
Developers:M7 Productions, Attrito
Publishers:M7 Productions, Attrito

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