We currently support 103 retailers. You can take a look at the Retailers & Coupons page which explains the 3 types of retailers: Official Stores, Key Sellers and Marketplaces. If you want to submit a retailer (e-commerce website) please visit our partners page and you can integrate with our price comparison platform.
Buying video games just got easier with our 100% free price comparison service.
NEXARDA™ is the video game price comparison website where you can discover great deals on video games across all platforms, aggregating prices from 90+ approved retailers we make it easy for you to grab a bargain online. Our mission is to help gamers save time & money - allowing you to buy more games and jump into the action quicker. Register for free in 60 seconds to harness the power of the world's most powerful game price comparison service.

We offer a 100% free service and present you the best deals on video games from 90+ retailers (the largest selection of retailers for a game price comparison website) for all platforms including desktop, console, cloud gaming, virtual reality, mobile & tablet! Our service automatically fetches price data from retailers to ensure offers are never outdated. We work with Official Stores, Key Sellers and Marketplaces (learn more about the differences here) that are manually approved by us to ensure a safe shopping experience for you.
A 100% free service built for gamers with powerful tools for discovering new games to play and comparing prices.
We're on a mission to help you save time & money! You can see instant price offers from retailers in one easy to use service.
We work with a huge amount of online retailers! Each one is approved by us and must follow our Retailer Trust Policy.
With an account, you can start collecting wanted and owned video games with the easy-to-use Wish List & Game Library.
You can see price offers for games on all platforms including desktop, mobile, console, cloud and virtual reality.
Our service automatically scans prices from retailers every 60 seconds to ensure the price you see is what you pay.
View details of all released video games, consoles/gear, franchises and companies. You can also integrate our API on your site.
We have a team of people to help you with any issue via email or socials. You can contact us and we will reply ASAP.
It all began as a small project in September 2018 during college when Liam (the founder) wanted to create a website for video games where people can read about video games, the franchises they're part of and the companies behind them (sort of like a Wikipedia for games) and it slowly transformed into a price comparison and review website. With the help of a small team of volunteers, we were able to add video game entries and prices (offers) to the website manually and accurately.
2020The company was founded on 27th April 2020 and went from a small project to an actual business - we stepped up our game to offer a service to people all around the world that people can trust. We have continuously improved our service and become one of the best game deal websites, working as an affiliate with big brands like Amazon, Target and Green Man Gaming. Because we are a 100% online-based business we can afford to keep our costs low and with our affiliate revenue scheme in place, we're excited to see what the future holds for NEXARDA™.
THE FUTUREStay tuned for more exciting news and follow us on our journey through the future. In regards to plans for the future, we plan on introducing funding (for advertising), a new desktop application called NEXARDA™ Central, huge game giveaways and much, much more!
Here is a list of common questions asked by people regarding our service. If you have something you wish to ask that is not listed below please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. For any additional information or support you can reach out via Twitter or Discord.
Which online stores (retailers) do you support?
What can I do if I have issues with a retailer?
Unfortunately we can not help directly with the issue as we do not sell any products - you will have to contact the retailer you purchased the product(s) from. If you have a complaint about a retailer however, you can contact us, and we can investigate ourselves for you. It's uncommon that a problem occurs with a retailer that is approved by us, as we do our own checks to ensure they are legitimate and safe.
Why are some prices incorrect/outdated?
Sometimes retailers suddenly change prices/discounts on their websites and we just haven't scanned the new price yet - we automatically check prices so it's just a matter of waiting a few hours and it should be updated. You can also contact us to notify about broken offers/links and we will sort it out as soon as possible.
Why are some video games marked as unavailable/delisted?
Games that are unavailable means that we could not find any prices from any approved retailers - either because new copies/keys of the game are no longer being sold or the publisher has removed the game from sale (marked as delisted). In this case, you can check yourself from other sources like eBay, Gumtree or Amazon.
How do I create an account or login to my account?
You can register or login - it's 100% free and only takes a minute. With an account will get access to other areas of the website and more features like your own profile page, Wish List, Game Library and Quick Basket. Once logged in you can follow games, use the Community Forum and write reviews etc.
How is this service free (is it too good to be true)?
We can afford to keep our service 100% free due to our affiliate-based earning scheme; we work with retailers and earn commission from visitor purchases through their store. When you click an offer from our site and make a purchase, we get a cut and the retailer pays us for advertising their offers. Also, you don't pay any extra for products for us to earn a commission - which is awesome!
How do I contribute (submit new games/companies/offers)?
Please use our submit page or contact us page if you're interested in contributing - we would appreciate all the information we can get as we manually add all entries/offers - no bulk data imports for us; we want to verify all information before we make it public on our website. We don't charge companies or individuals to put their video games or companies/indie studios on our website either - it's 100% free.