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Shadow Empire

Released 3rd December 2020, prices start at $12.79 USD (up to 68% off).

About Shadow Empire

Shadow Empire is a deep turn-based 4X wargame with a unique blend of military focus, procedurally generated content and role-playing features.
Shadow Empire places you into the seat of the supreme ruler of a small nation. Destiny and greatness awaits if you succeed in reconquering a devastated planet. Plunge into an alien universe and explore another world in a dark and unforgiving future.

Take command and engage in great military conquests and delicate diplomacy. Control your nation’s budgets, recruit and manage governors and commanders, build your economy and infrastructure and much more.

Shadow Empire is one of the most ambitious games VR Designs has ever made. It is a rich experience and a truly unique game. One that is unlike any you have ever experienced before.

Make agonizing decisions in response to events occurring in your Nation, demands from your Leaders or from third parties such as cults and crime syndicates. You can also use your available Stratagems to create new opportunities and enhance your Nation. You will be able to optimize every aspect of your rule.

Recruit Leaders and appoint them to become zone governors, council directors, army commanders or advisors. Leaders can have over 40 different skills and can receive Leader feats to augment their statistics.

Install a parliament, senate or politburo in your nation and change the machinery of your government over the course of a game.

Engage with your neighbours on the diplomatic front: Minor regimes can be coerced to become vassals. Major regimes can be tied down with pacts and deals, ensuring a peaceful coexistence or you can use your spies to manipulate their politics and reveal their military forces.

Attempt to manage the expectations of your people and your leaders. There is a strong role-playing and human dynamics element to Shadow Empire. If you are not careful in their management, you may have to deal with discontent, strikes, corruption or even all out rebellion.

Shadow Empire has specialized procedural design that ensures high replayability and allows vast experimentation. It is not just the planets that are procedurally generated, your equipment, vehicles, leaders, location and more are variable.

Explore procedurally generated planets that follow the rules of Astrobiology. Including detailed climate, rainfall, deserts, snow, glaciers, lava streams, deep forests, alien evolutions, mountain chains, resources, rivers, biohazard levels, respiratory hazard levels and more.

Exploit the planet with a huge variety of mining operations: Water, metal, rare metals, oil and even radioactive materials. Prospecting is often necessary for discovering resources that could be mined and you‘ll need to scavenge through the ruins of fallen empires and discover rare artifacts from a lost age.

There is also a separate system for discovery of technology, formations and units. Your Research and development path is different every game and this ensures that the route to success is different every time, too.

Explore 150+ stratagems and deploy them as you see fit. Stratagems are complete plans and series of actions that allow you to complete vast swathes of micromanagement tasks simply and easily. This system can also help you respond quickly to a crisis or unforeseen situation.

Discover and research over 100 different fields of technology. The game starts at a low level of technology as your nation drags itself out of the ruins of a galactic collapse, but at the end of the tech tree you’ll find knowledge that allows you to build exciting technologies such as ICBMs, laser guns, atomic missile launchers, walkers, shield-generators and more.

Manage a realistic supply chain that has real consequences, running out of ammo could mean that your military is unable to attack or defend itself. Running out of food could have even more dire implications.

Extend your logistical network capabilities by building roads or rails as well as constructing truck stations, maglev stations and supply base assets. Develop transport helicopters and cargo planes to set up Air Bridges to support Invasions or to drop supplies into isolated positions.

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Game Age Ratings (For Parents)

Feel free to search for this game via ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB.
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We couldn't find any ratings for this game.

Game Genres & Tags (9)

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Game Features (2)

These are a list of features that we applied to this game.

Game Developer (1)

Developed by VR Designs.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by Slitherine Software.


Here are the recommended system requirements for Shadow Empire. Please note that download sizes, operating systems and other requirements vary depending on platform. We advise looking at the requirements before buying from a retailer on their website.

Operating System (OS):Windows
Storage (Size):1GB
Memory (RAM):2GB
Processor (CPU):1.5 GHZ
Graphics Card (GPU):8MB video memory, 1280x768 or higher resolution
DirectX Version:Version 9.0


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What are the age ratings for this game (for parents)?

We haven't got any age ratings on file for this game, you will need to search for the age rating on any of the following websites: ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB. Please note that age ratings are different in each region - for example ESRB is used in the United States.

Which platforms can I play/activate this game on?

Shadow Empire is currently available on the following platforms:

  • PC

When was this video game released?

Shadow Empire was released:

3rd December 2020

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may have released earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There are 2 companies which have created Shadow Empire, here is a full list of credited developers and publishers:


Where and how can I buy/download/try this game?

You can view all available product offers under the "Buy (Compare Prices)" tab at the top of the page. Use the filters to narrow down the results and grab the right offer for you, choose from 90+ approved retailers and get this game on all major platforms including PC, console, VR/AR, mobile/tablet and cloud gaming services. A demo/trial of this game might be available, which will allow you to try a limited version before you buy.

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What are reviews for this video game like?

You can read user reviews and critic scores for this video game by clicking the "Audience Reviews" tab at the top of the page, this will show you an overview of reviews on platforms like Steam, GOG and OpenCritic.

Is this video game part of a series/franchise?

Unfortunately, Shadow Empire is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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Reviews of Shadow Empire


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{"id":"36811","type":0,"store":"GamersGate","store_type":"Official Store","store_is_official":true,"store_desc":"GamersGate is the leading digital distribution platform for PC games creating easily accessible gaming experiences for gamers worldwide - anyt...","store_css":"gamersgate","store_image":"gamersgate","store_id":34,"store_slug":"gamersgate","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"35.59","price_without_coupon":"39.99","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[true,"NEXARDA",11,"Should work on everything (only works at cart with 1 item max)."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":false,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"29.82","EUR":"34.70","USD":"35.59"}}
{"id":"36816","type":0,"store":"AllYouPlay","store_type":"Official Store","store_is_official":true,"store_desc":"AllYouPlay is a digital distribution website born in the Netherlands. We are working directly with official distributors and selling game keys...","store_css":"allyouplay","store_image":"allyouplay","store_id":3,"store_slug":"allyouplay","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"35.99","price_without_coupon":"39.99","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[true,"ALLYOUCANPLAY",10,"Should work on everything."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":false,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"27.89","EUR":"30.59","USD":"35.99"}}
{"id":"36810","type":0,"store":"GamesPlanet","store_type":"Official Store","store_is_official":true,"store_desc":"GamesPlanet is a games download website based in the UK, France and Germany. We are not new to the field of digital distribution; we have been...","store_css":"gamesplanet","store_image":"gamesplanet","store_id":38,"store_slug":"gamesplanet","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"35.99","price_without_coupon":"35.99","discount":10,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":false,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"27.99","EUR":"30.59","USD":"35.99"}}
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{"id":"36808","type":0,"store":"HRK Game","store_type":"Key Seller","store_is_official":false,"store_desc":"HRK is an online distribution platform, designed to distribute digital video games. Our primary goals are to provide our customers with a huge...","store_css":"hrk-game","store_image":"hrk-game","store_id":50,"store_slug":"hrk-game","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"16.28","price_without_coupon":"16.28","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":true,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"12.58","EUR":"14.91","USD":"16.28"}}
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{"id":"36813","type":0,"store":"G2A","store_type":"Marketplace","store_is_official":false,"store_desc":"G2A is is the world's largest marketplace for digital products where 19 million customers come to browse over 75 thousand products from 400 th...","store_css":"gtwoa","store_image":"g2a","store_id":30,"store_slug":"g2a","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"14.46","price_without_coupon":"14.46","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":true,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"10.68","EUR":"12.72","USD":"14.46"}}
{"id":"36809","type":0,"store":"Gamivo","store_type":"Marketplace","store_is_official":false,"store_desc":"Gamivo is a marketplace for digital games on the market. We are focused to bring you the best and safe platform for all digital transactions....","store_css":"gamivo","store_image":"gamivo","store_id":44,"store_slug":"gamivo","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"13.70","price_without_coupon":"13.70","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":true,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"10.78","EUR":"12.43","USD":"13.70"}}
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{"id":"36806","type":0,"store":"Instant Gaming","store_type":"Key Seller","store_is_official":false,"store_desc":"Instant Gaming provides you with a brand new and simple way to buy games at amazing prices. You can get the best PC, Mac, and console games wi...","store_css":"instant-gaming","store_image":"instant-gaming","store_id":53,"store_slug":"instant-gaming","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"-1.00","price_without_coupon":"-1.00","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":true,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"-1.00","EUR":"-1.00","USD":"-1.00"}}
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Name:Shadow Empire
Release Date:3rd December 2020 (03/12/2020)
Current Price:$12.79 to $39.99 (Compare Prices)
Developer:VR Designs
Publisher:Slitherine Software

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