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Release TBA (To Be Announced), this game is unavailable.

About Rooted

In this solo and multiplayer survival game, explore an ancient overgrown world full of dangers. Salvage, build, craft, hunt,.. and try to survive alone or with your friends in an evolving and fascinating post-apocalyptic environment. Powered by Unreal Engine 5.
EXPLORE THE POST-APOCALYPTIC OPEN WORLD Rooted is a post-apocalyptic survival game. Near the year 2100. You are one of the few survivors. You must progress and adapt through the ruins of the past civilization that collapsed due to global bacteriological warfare. Over the years, nature has somehow managed to make some areas safe, even taking back terrain and cleaning residue of the devastating bacterial weapons. Urban areas however are less fortunate. You will get in trouble if you go there without protection. You have been warned! To develop your camp and improve your living conditions, you must explore - alone or with your friends, to collect scraps and objects, restore items, or even create new ones that you will learn to craft along the way. Watch your surroundings. It won’t be easy, as the danger has many faces. Description Image SOLO AND CO-OP Start the adventure by exploring the world of Rooted. Create your camp in the forest, in a village, or in downtown; solo or in cooperation with your friends. Speaking about friends, and for more realism, friendly fire can be a thing in Rooted. Your team or other people can join your game session whenever they want. The in-game communication system (VOIP) adds realism to your team’s experience. BUILD AND CRAFT Build and improve your camp, using all the items you farm, salvage, and craft. As you progress in the game, you can improve your defenses, automate tasks, supply electricity, and develop your workshop... Description Image Settle an outpost in villages or in the city, securing houses, offices, or even entire floors in a building. Barricades, partitions, traps. Craft something to protect yourself. The travel distance can be long. Getting to build a secondary outpost is always a plus. Craft tools to improve your life conditions, facilitate transportation, eat, protect and heal yourself. SALVAGE & LEARN Salvaging is a major key component in Rooted. You can recover, repair and use a lot of items from the past civilization, whether they are mechanical, electronical or even clothing! Description Image Recover more or less rare parts depending on the condition of the objects you are dismantling. The more you salvage, the more likely you will learn how to reassemble them. Upgrade your camp with your newly-learned items to make your survivor’s life easier. ENEMIES You are not alone. Animals can be as helpful as dangerous. You will meet other humans too, who also try to make their way to a better life. Some foes may be stronger than you think. Made of steel or made of flesh, choose your opponent wisely! Description Image CONSTANT EVOLUTION Rooted is a living world. From the forest to city's downtown, explore a large world that evolves with your actions. You gain access to new areas, new items, and new crafting options over time. Major events will have an impact on the world, bringing new challenges to you and your friends. You must be prepared! Description Image WE SHARE OUR PROGRESS Join us on Discord! We share our progress on a weekly basis. We also take to time to discuss with you, to listen up to your ideas and suggestions. Join us now! Description Image

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Game Developer (1)

Developed by Headlight Studio.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by Headlight Studio.


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Currently, this game is not available on any platforms - please check back at a later date and there may be some available!

When is this video game releasing?

Rooted is releasing:

TBA (To Be Announced)

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may be releasing earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There is 1 company that has created Rooted:


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Unfortunately, Rooted is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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Release Date:TBA (To Be Announced)
Current Price:Unavailable (Compare Prices)
Developer:Headlight Studio
Publisher:Headlight Studio

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