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Rogue Point

Releasing 2025, this game is unavailable.

About Rogue Point

Welcome to Rogue Point, a 4 player, cooperative shooter. Team up with friends and build an elite tactical team. Plan and execute challenging missions in a dynamic Rogue-Lite structure with hundreds of ways to play.

When the richest CEO on Earth dies, cutthroat conglomerates seek to carve up his kingdom. Using the MERX app, rival businessmen can order private mercenary armies as easily as ordering takeout -- perfect soldiers for the corporate war! Only Rogue Point, an elite, independent vigilante squad, dares to fight back.


Dive into the heat of battle in our campaign, where high-octane tactical combat meets strategic planning. Team up, gather intel, and launch assaults against top-tier mercenaries. Face off against the formidable 5 Star Merc, the pinnacle of MERX lethal contractors. Brace for tough, unyielding enemies and relentless action that will push your skills, gear, and teamwork to the extreme.

Relentless Replayability

Fight and maneuver your way through missions spread across 4 diverse locations:

  • The Airport

  • The Mall

  • The Office

  • The Oilrig

Each sprawling map is reshaped by the game's Parametric Design System, offering new strategies and challenges with every play. The constantly evolving gameplay ensures every mission feels as thrilling and unique as your first, keeping the excitement alive in every campaign.

AI Classes

In Rogue Point, your enemy is MERX. These mercenaries for hire will challenge your team to strategize and work tactically. Each MERX class has their own AI playstyle that packs a punch in their own unique way.


Your basic grunt class. They deploy an arsenal against your team and work in a squad. You’ll encounter these a lot in Rogue Point, but they are never to be underestimated.


Juiced up on substances and with no regard for their own life, the Berserker's singular goal is to close the distance and slice your whole team with a machete. They are agents of chaos and will wreck your carefully crafted game plan.


Heavily fortified in the far distance, snipers will pin your team down and deny you entry into important areas. Their only tell is the laser beam from their gun, and your teammate’s head exploding next to you.


Heavies are big, slow brutes that don’t take cover and eat bullets. You can dump all your ammo into them with no effect. Run the other way, or find their one weakness.

5-Star Mercenary

These legendary MERX commanders have received the top star rating in the app. Intel on these is sketchy, but we know that these endgame encounters will require your team’s full strength to have a chance to take them down. If you succeed, take a trophy from their body as proof you have triumphed.

Intuitive Gameplay

Rogue Point is perfect for both fresh recruits and seasoned veterans, presenting an accessible entry point that reveals layers of depth for those who seek a challenge. Crave fast-paced action or deep, skill-driven gameplay? Rogue Point kicks down the door to a world of relentless, gripping excitement.


Earn your keep on the frontlines, then purchase new hardware for your arsenal. Deck out your loadout with hi-tech attachments, and plenty of tactical equipment to make infiltration and extraction a breeze. Master the currency of combat. Own the battlefield on your terms.

Build Your Team

Work as a team to overcome the odds. Rogue Point is purpose-built to reinforce teamplay and pull players into combat. You have to adapt, overcome, fight, and maneuver with your squad to win. Start with nothing more than a pistol and an armored vest and earn an elite arsenal through successful missions and strategic team play.

Risk VS Reward

Rogue Point has teams taking risks not just on mission, but in the planning and loadout stages as well. Use the game's Dead Drop for a chance at getting the best gear, and specialized weapons you cannot get anywhere else.

Weapons and Customization

Complete missions to earn money and buy useful weapons and gear. Get the exact loadout you want or take a chance with a Dead Drop package to get gear.

  • 20+ Weapons, with multiple skins

  • 40+ Tactical Items and Attachments for your arsenal

  • 60+ Cosmetic Items, with multiple skins

  • 24 Mission Layouts, across 4 locations

Game Age Ratings (For Parents)

Feel free to search for this game via ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB.
For physical products check the packaging for an age rating symbol.

We couldn't find any ratings for this game.

Game Genres & Tags (7)

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Game Features (7)

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Game Developer (1)

Developed by Crowbar Collective.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by Team17.


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When is this video game releasing?

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Who are the companies behind this video game?

There are 2 companies which have created Rogue Point, here is a full list of credited developers and publishers:


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Unfortunately, Rogue Point is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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Name:Rogue Point
Release Date:2025 (TBA)
Current Price:Unavailable (Compare Prices)
Developer:Crowbar Collective

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