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Pixel Cafe

Released 30th November 2023, prices start at $1.68 USD (up to 80% off).

About Pixel Cafe

Step into Pixel's shoes in this one-of-a-kind journey that bridges time, memories, and the aroma of fresh coffee. Dive deep into a city balancing its past and future. Engage in intense arcade challenges, immerse yourself in heartfelt stories, and navigate a world crafted in pixel art.
WELCOME TO PIXEL CAFE Dive into this captivating blend of an arcade time manager and visual novel. Help a small-town girl navigate life in a big city, and take part in her coming-of-age story as she forges connections, overcomes difficulties, and struggles to find her worth. Description Image UNCOVER HIDDEN TALES Explore Karstok, a city stuck between a socialist past and a capitalist future. Go on an emotional journey as you form connections with your bosses and clients in this beautifully crafted pixel art world. Description Image MASTER THE ART OF COFFEE AND COOKING Perfect your coffee-making and cooking skills on your professional journey through 10 wildly different bars. Keep your customers satisfied as you learn new recipes and adapt to sub-optimal working conditions. Sounds too easy? Challenge one of the 50 optional Nightmare levels. Their hellish difficulty will surely hunt you in your dreams. Description Image DECORATE YOUR HOUSE Breathe new life into your Grandma's old house. Buy furniture and unlock posters to decorate it and truly make it your own. Description Image EXPERIENCE THE EMOTIONAL JOURNEY Witness an emotionally gripping narrative that spans three generations. Explore both the past and present through Pixel's eyes and see how memories of her Grandparents shaped her life. Description Image A UNIQUE SOUNDTRACK Immerse yourself in the game's atmosphere while listening to the captivating, original soundtrack by Arkadiusz Reikowski, featuring a diverse range of genres and emotions. Embark on a heartfelt journey and discover the essence of Pixel Cafe, where the emotional story unfolds one cup at a time.

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Game Age Ratings (For Parents)

Feel free to search for this game via ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB.
For physical products check the packaging for an age rating symbol.

Age rating icon of Pixel CafeAge rating icon of Pixel Cafe

Game Genres & Tags (12)

These are a list of genres and tags that we applied to this game.

Game Features (7)

These are a list of features that we applied to this game.

Game Developer (1)

Developed by Baltoro Games.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by Baltoro Games.


Here are the recommended system requirements for Pixel Cafe. Please note that download sizes, operating systems and other requirements vary depending on platform. We advise looking at the requirements before buying from a retailer on their website.

Operating System (OS):Windows
Storage (Size):1GB available space
Memory (RAM):4GB RAM
Processor (CPU):Intel Core Duo or faster
Graphics Card (GPU):OpenGL 3.0 compliant video card


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What are the age ratings for this game (for parents)?

We have the following age ratings on file for Pixel Cafe:

If we haven't got the age rating for your region on file for this game, you can search for the age rating on any of the following websites: ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB. Please note that age ratings are different in each region - for example ESRB is used in the United States.

Which platforms can I play/activate this game on?

Pixel Cafe is currently available on the following platforms:

  • PC

  • Xbox Series X|S

  • PlayStation 5

  • Nintendo Switch

When was this video game released?

Pixel Cafe was released:

30th November 2023

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may have released earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There is 1 company that has created Pixel Cafe:


Where and how can I buy/download/try this game?

You can view all available product offers under the "Buy (Compare Prices)" tab at the top of the page. Use the filters to narrow down the results and grab the right offer for you, choose from 90+ approved retailers and get this game on all major platforms including PC, console, VR/AR, mobile/tablet and cloud gaming services. A demo/trial of this game might be available, which will allow you to try a limited version before you buy.

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What are reviews for this video game like?

You can read user reviews and critic scores for this video game by clicking the "Audience Reviews" tab at the top of the page, this will show you an overview of reviews on platforms like Steam, GOG and OpenCritic.

Is this video game part of a series/franchise?

Unfortunately, Pixel Cafe is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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Reviews of Pixel Cafe


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Pixel Cafe - Game Background
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Quick Links For Pixel Cafe

Here are some useful links & game resources.

Name:Pixel Cafe
Release Date:30th November 2023 (30/11/2023)
Current Price:$1.68 to $12.99 (Compare Prices)
Platforms:PC, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch
Official Website:baltorogames.com
Official Discord:discord.gg/5dvxcDmRyb
Age Rating:ESRB Everyone, PEGI 3
Developer:Baltoro Games
Publisher:Baltoro Games

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