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Path of Exile

Released 23rd October 2013, this game is free to play.

About Path of Exile

You are an Exile, struggling to survive on the dark continent of Wraeclast, as you fight to earn power that will allow you to exact your revenge against those who wronged you. Created by hardcore gamers, Path of Exile is an online Action RPG set in a dark fantasy world. With a focus on visceral action combat, powerful items and deep character customization, Path of Exile is completely free and will never be pay-to-win.

Key Features

  • Freedom. Power. Revenge.
    Path of Exile is an online Action RPG designed around a strong online item economy and deep character customisation.

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    Path of Exile is set in the dark fantasy world of Wraeclast. Scarred by mysterious catastrophes of the past and inhabited by creatures of nightmare, the very environment challenges exiles who dare explore it. You play as the Duelist, Witch, Ranger, Templar, Marauder, Shadow or the Scion class. From forsaken shores through to the city of Oriath, explore Wraeclast and uncover the ancient secrets waiting for you.

  • Unlimited Character Customization
    Create and customise hundreds of unique skill combinations from tradable itemised gems and our gigantic Passive Skill Tree. Combine skill gems, support gems and trigger gems to create your own unique combination of power, defence and destruction.

    All of Path of Exile's character classes share its vast Passive Skill Tree. Starting at one of seven distinct locations dictated by their chosen class, players can focus on the core specialities of their class or travel across the tree to build complex combinations of skills from various disciplines. Scattered across the tree are Keystone passives, Masteries and Jewel Sockets that drastically alter the way a character is played.

  • Armed to Kill
    Path of Exile is completely designed around items. Our flasks are persistent items that have mods. Our endgame areas can be found as Map items that have mods altering their challenges and rewards. We've gone as far as removing gold as a currency and basing our trade economy around orbs that can randomly reroll the properties of other items. We have carefully constructed our item system for veterans of the best Action RPGs.

  • Explore the Atlas of Worlds
    The Atlas of Worlds is a series of more than a hundred high-level maps that truly test the limits of your build. As you explore the Atlas, you will eventually unveil its dark secrets and face the most dangerous bosses that Wraeclast has ever seen.

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    In the true Path of Exile way, the Atlas of Worlds has its own Passive Skill Tree. Earn skill points for the Tree by completing maps on the Atlas and create your own unique endgame experience.

  • Deadly Missions
    In your journey through Wraeclast, you will meet fellow Exiles who seek your help. Capture wild beasts for Einhar, delve into the depths of the Azurite Mine with Niko, explore the secrets of the Temple of Atzoatl with Alva or investigate a mysterious Immortal Syndicate with Jun. Once received, these missions can be completed at any time in the endgame. This optional content in Path of Exile will reward you with valuable currency, powerful tradeable items and new ways of crafting.

  • Customise Your Hideout
    ​In your extensive travels throughout the Acts and the Atlas of Worlds, you will discover secret locations swarmed with dangerous monsters. Defeat them, claim the Hideout for yourself and create your own personalised town. Use your Hideout as a quiet place to trade with other Exiles, craft after battle, or expand it and use it as a personalised Guild Hall with hundreds of decorations.

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  • Be Ruthless
    Ruthless is an optional game mode which offers a more challenging way to play Path of Exile. Ruthless players can expect extreme item scarcity, limited crafting and many other changes such as support gems being drop-only. Ruthless is a mode about friction, tension and anticipation. It's much more difficult, but overcoming that difficulty feels highly rewarding. In a world where your items are far below par, every item drop has the potential to be the breakthrough one you need.

  • Fair-To-Play. Never Pay-To-Win.
    We're committed to creating a fair playing field for all players. All Microtransactions in Path of Exile are purely cosmetic and do not affect gameplay.

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Game Age Ratings (For Parents)

Feel free to search for this game via ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB.
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Age rating icon of Path of ExileAge rating icon of Path of Exile

Game Genres & Tags (8)

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Game Features (6)

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Game Developer (1)

Developed by Grinding Gear Games.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by Grinding Gear Games.


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Which platforms can I play/activate this game on?

Path of Exile is currently available on the following platforms:

  • PC

  • Xbox One

  • PlayStation 4

When was this video game released?

Path of Exile was released:

23rd October 2013

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may have released earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There is 1 company that has created Path of Exile:


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Is this video game part of a series/franchise?

Yes, it most certainly is! Path of Exile is part of the following video game franchises:

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{"id":"71318","type":0,"store":"Microsoft Store","store_type":"Official Store","store_is_official":true,"store_desc":"The Microsoft Store is a digital distribution platform owned by Microsoft where you can buy apps, console games, and digital videos.","store_css":"microsoft-store","store_image":"microsoft-store","store_id":63,"store_slug":"microsoft-store","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for \" title=\"Available on Xbox One\"><i class=\"fab fa-xbox\"><\/i><b>XBOX ONE<\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Xbox","platform_icon":"fab fa-xbox","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"0.00","price_without_coupon":"0.00","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":false,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"0.00","EUR":"0.00","USD":"0.00"}}
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{"id":"198","type":0,"store":"Steam","store_type":"Official Store","store_is_official":true,"store_desc":"Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games. With nearly 30,000 games from AAA to indie and everything in-be...","store_css":"steam","store_image":"steam","store_id":79,"store_slug":"steam","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"0.00","price_without_coupon":"0.00","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":false,"affiliate":false,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"0.00","EUR":"0.00","USD":"0.00"}}
Path of Exile - Game Background
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Screenshot thumbnail of Path of Exile
Screenshot thumbnail of Path of Exile

Path of Exile - Franchise Background
Part of the Path of Exile franchise. View all 2 games in this franchise (series).

Quick Links For Path of Exile

Here are some useful links & game resources.

Name:Path of Exile
Franchise:Path of Exile
Release Date:23rd October 2013 (23/10/2013)
Current Price:$0.00 to $0.00 (Compare Prices)
Platforms:PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Age Rating:ESRB Mature (17+), PEGI 18
Developer:Grinding Gear Games
Publisher:Grinding Gear Games

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