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Knight Online

Released 15th July 2002, this game is free to play.

About Knight Online

Knight Online is a PvP-centric Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game that has been under continuous development for almost a decade. Two nations: El Morad and Karus - or more colloquially, humans and orcs - are locked in an eternal struggle for dominance of the Adonis Continent. The PvP in Knight Online is fast-paced, action-packed, and oftentimes frantic. Dozens of players can be seen clashing in PvP zones during all hours of the day. With events such as Lunar War and Castle Seige War, the action becomes massive!


While PvP may be the beating heart of Knight Online, much of the game is spent embarking on quests, killing monsters, and - of course - collecting loot. The Upgrade System lets players tempt fate in an effort to improve their existing weapons, armor, or accessories (or lose them in the process!). With its unique ability to let players refine their skills and build their characters and equipment, Knight Online is able to entertain and excite its fans even after many years. Pick a side, build up your warrior, and join the fray!

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Game Age Ratings (For Parents)

Feel free to search for this game via ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB.
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We couldn't find any ratings for this game.

Game Genres & Tags (8)

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Game Features (2)

These are a list of features that we applied to this game.

Game Developers (2)

Developed by Mgame and Noah System.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by Mgame.


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What are the age ratings for this game (for parents)?

We haven't got any age ratings on file for this game, you will need to search for the age rating on any of the following websites: ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB. Please note that age ratings are different in each region - for example ESRB is used in the United States.

Which platforms can I play/activate this game on?

Currently, this game is not available on any platforms - please check back at a later date and there may be some available!

When was this video game released?

Knight Online was released:

15th July 2002

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may have released earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There are 2 companies which have created Knight Online, here is a full list of credited developers and publishers:


Where and how can I buy/download/try this game?

You can view all available product offers under the "Buy (Compare Prices)" tab at the top of the page. Use the filters to narrow down the results and grab the right offer for you, choose from 90+ approved retailers and get this game on all major platforms including PC, console, VR/AR, mobile/tablet and cloud gaming services. A demo/trial of this game might be available, which will allow you to try a limited version before you buy.

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What are reviews for this video game like?

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Is this video game part of a series/franchise?

Unfortunately, Knight Online is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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Name:Knight Online
Release Date:15th July 2002 (15/07/2002)
Current Price:$0.00 to $0.00 (Compare Prices)
Developers:Mgame, Noah System

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