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Released 31st March 2022, prices start at $4.42 USD (up to 70% off).

About FixFox

Arriving on a curious planet, Vix and her toolbox Tin explore space, fixing machines with unconventional tools and eating cozy meals with kind robot locals. On an epic adventure, the duo repairs an interstellar beacon, constructs giant mechs, and unravels a cosmic mystery that transcends existence.
Description Image FixFox is a wholesome sci-fi adventure game. Play as Vix, an unlucky space mechanic, who crashlands on a mysterious planet where tools are forbidden. Accompanied by her trusty toolbox Tin, Vix travels across the planet Karamel discovering hidden stashes left by pirates, repairing friendly household appliances, and sampling tasty local delicacies. Description Image Traverse the planet on a peppy scooter, clear pathways with a hefty power loader, or simply go on a peaceful journey by foot to uncover all the landmarks on Karamel. Hum along to catchy chiptunes while discovering secret locations, testing your noggin on whimsical puzzles, and finally settling down for the night next to a toasty campfire looking up at the starry sky. Description Image Description Image Repair machines with uplifting personalities such as a passionate lawn mower using unconventional tools like coins, bandages, glowy bananas… anything really. Live out a space mechanic’s dream by constructing and operating giant mechs to help out the local robots with their peculiar problems. Description Image Description Image Fixing things can be tough but ending the day with cozy food always makes it better. Enjoy delicious meals the planet dwellers have to offer such as homey soups, warm rice bowls, and totally-not-expired pudding. Making a friend over a meal with hospitable robots may just reveal a vital clue to solving your next quest. Description Image Description Image Starting with an unassuming beacon repair job Vix quickly finds herself mixed up in more than her own tale. An estranged brother looking for his long lost sibling, specialized artificial intelligences working through past traumas, and an ongoing feud between two planet factions are just a few of the tangled mysteries that need to be taken apart and fixed. Description Image Description Image In order to survive the global catastrophe of Earth’s cold atmosphere post climate change, mankind has genetically modified themselves to take on animal traits. The fur acquired from the genetic splicing helps humanity cope with the freezing weather and the ability to hibernate allows humans to sleep through long interstellar flights. This furry future is where the story of FixFox takes place. Description Image Description Image In the early 90s, my parents brought home our very first computer - the Polish knockoff of the Atari 8-bit. Using an old handbook, I learned how to code in Basic. From that moment, I wanted to dedicate my life to making games. Fast forward to 2012, after visiting the Peace Memorial in Hiroshima and witnessing the consequences of violence and hatred, I made a personal vow to never play or make violent games. Instead, I focus on making games that promote kindness and friendship. With experience from game jams and heartwarming support from my friends and family, the dream of making this game has become a reality. Description Image Description Image Fueled by my passion for wholesome stories, sci-fi, and adventure games, FixFox was designed, written, drawn, and programmed by me - Jaroslav Meloun. The music was composed and produced by the exceptionally talented Aleix Ramon. The key art of Vix was created by the amazingly talented Jana Kilianová. My wish is for YOUR dream to come true, just like mine!

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Game Genres & Tags (14)

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Game Developer (1)

Developed by Rendlike.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by Joystick Ventures.


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Which platforms can I play/activate this game on?

FixFox is currently available on the following platforms:

  • PC

When was this video game released?

FixFox was released:

31st March 2022

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may have released earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There are 2 companies which have created FixFox, here is a full list of credited developers and publishers:


Where and how can I buy/download/try this game?

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Is this video game part of a series/franchise?

Unfortunately, FixFox is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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{"id":"55018","type":0,"store":"Green Man Gaming","store_type":"Official Store","store_is_official":true,"store_desc":"Green Man Gaming is a British-based online video game retailer. It has a multi-platform catalogue of over 9,000 games from more than 600 publi...","store_css":"green-man-gaming","store_image":"green-man-gaming","store_id":48,"store_slug":"green-man-gaming","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"14.99","price_without_coupon":"14.99","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":false,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"11.39","EUR":"12.49","USD":"14.99"}}
{"id":"55021","type":0,"store":"Itch","store_type":"Official Store","store_is_official":true,"store_desc":" is an open marketplace for independent digital creators with a focus on independent video games. It's a platform that enables anyone t...","store_css":"itch","store_image":"itch","store_id":54,"store_slug":"itch","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"DRM Free","platform_icon":"fas fa-compact-disc","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"14.99","price_without_coupon":"14.99","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":false,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"11.59","EUR":"13.73","USD":"14.99"}}
{"id":"55020","type":0,"store":"GOG","store_type":"Official Store","store_is_official":true,"store_desc":"GOG is a digital distribution platform with a curated selection of games, a \"you buy it, you own it\" philosophy, and utmost care about custome...","store_css":"gog","store_image":"gog","store_id":46,"store_slug":"gog","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"GOG","platform_icon":"fak fa-gog","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"4.49","price_without_coupon":"4.49","discount":70,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":false,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"3.49","EUR":"3.79","USD":"4.49"}}
{"id":"55017","type":0,"store":"HRK Game","store_type":"Key Seller","store_is_official":false,"store_desc":"HRK is an online distribution platform, designed to distribute digital video games. Our primary goals are to provide our customers with a huge...","store_css":"hrk-game","store_image":"hrk-game","store_id":50,"store_slug":"hrk-game","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"4.48","price_without_coupon":"4.48","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":true,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"3.46","EUR":"-99.00","USD":"4.48"}}
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Release Date:31st March 2022 (31/03/2022)
Current Price:$4.42 to $14.99 (Compare Prices)
Publisher:Joystick Ventures

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