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Falling Frontier

Release TBA (To Be Announced), this game is unavailable.

About Falling Frontier

Conquer a vast procedurally generated star system in Falling Frontier, a sci-fi RTS where intel and logistics are decisive factors. Design ships and raid enemy supply lines, lay minefields and construct recon stations, and ambush enemy forces within asteroid fields and nebulae.
Falling Frontier is a revolutionary sci-fi RTS where ship design, recon, and logistics are critical elements. Your expeditionary force has just completed construction of its first space port in orbit of a new world, but you are not alone. Rivals from the old colonial wars between Earth, Titan, Venus, and the other lineages that divide humankind have also arrived in the same star system. Description Image A NEW STAR SYSTEM Explore a vast procedurally generated star system filled with planets, moons, asteroid fields, and nebulae. Build and upgrade shipyards, supply depots, refineries, and recon stations as you research new technologies to unlock ship hulls, weapons, orbital facilities, colonization options, and more. Description Image COMBAT Battles in Falling Frontier combine intuitive control with deep mechanics. Shots can strike unintended targets after missing or ricocheting off hulls and each ship has subsystems that can be damaged or destroyed upon impact. Smaller, more maneuverable craft can defeat much larger vessels through ambush or tactical superiority. Description Image LOGISTICS Wars are won or lost through logistics. A weaker opponent can choose to engage in guerrilla warfare, raiding supply depots and refineries, blockading colonies, and otherwise attacking each point in the enemy supply chain. Likewise, a stronger force cannot simply combine their ships into a single massive and unstoppable fleet and must instead strategically distribute smaller defense flotillas throughout their territory. Description Image INTEL Use probes, scout ships, and recon stations to explore and monitor the vast emptiness between planets. Recon stations scan defined angles with either passive scans that grant limited information or active scans that give away their position. Similarly, the enemy will continuously search for your forces, and you may hide your ships behind moons or mask their heat signatures near gas giants. Description Image DESIGN Falling Frontier incorporates over 20 different ship types, including frigates, destroyers, cruisers, and battlecruisers, alongside an array of civilian ships. You may create your own designs and choose weapons, utility modules, and other components to best serve your strategic needs. Description Image CREW Your command crews are not abstract and impersonal entities, but rather named individuals with ranks, portraits, and identities. Each officer has their own traits and abilities, making personnel choice a critical factor in efficient flotilla composition. Enemy officers not killed in action can be captured and interrogated, or left in their escape pods as bait in order to ambush any rescue ships. Description Image MODS Falling Frontier supports modding through an in-game scenario editor that allows players to design and share their own star systems, missions, and storyline campaigns.

Game Age Ratings (For Parents)

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Game Genres & Tags (10)

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Game Features (2)

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Game Developer (1)

Developed by Stutter Fox Studios.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by Hooded Horse.


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Currently, this game is not available on any platforms - please check back at a later date and there may be some available!

When is this video game releasing?

Falling Frontier is releasing:

TBA (To Be Announced)

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may be releasing earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There are 2 companies which have created Falling Frontier, here is a full list of credited developers and publishers:


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Unfortunately, Falling Frontier is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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Quick Links For Falling Frontier

Here are some useful links & game resources.

Name:Falling Frontier
Release Date:TBA (To Be Announced)
Current Price:Unavailable (Compare Prices)
Official Website:stutterfoxstudios.com
Official Discord:discord.gg/fallingfrontier
Developer:Stutter Fox Studios
Publisher:Hooded Horse

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