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Command: Modern Operations

Released 14th November 2019, prices start at $23.61 USD (up to 69% off).

About Command: Modern Operations

Command: Modern Operations is the next generation in cross-domain modern wargaming. It enables you to simulate every military engagement from post World War II to the present day and beyond. The scale is primarily tactical/operational, although strategic scale operations are also possible.
THE KING IS BACK. Description Image The first release of Command rocked the foundations of modern PC wargaming, steamrolled its way into the Pentagon and won numerous "Wargame Of The Year" awards. Now, the restless rascals at WarfareSims are back at it with a vengeance! The already legendary game of modern cross-domain operations returns with an all-new UI, even more refined simulation mechanics and a host of new features and content to engross you into the challenges of warfare post-WW2 and in the 21st century. Are you ready? Are youup to it? Description Image No man, and no armed service, is an island. Aircraft, ships, submarines, ground forces and installations, satellites and even strategic weapons are at your disposal. You are given the forces and their hardware; but you have to direct them wisely. Description Image You asked for a faster, smoother earth-globe interface with richer, even more detailed map layers - and you got it! Over half a terabyte's worth of satellite imagery and terrain elevation combine to deliver an unprecedentedly crisp battlefield for your forces to roam. Description Image Command's new slick, dark-themed UI slams you right into the seat of a modern-day military command center and never lets go. Play in desktop-standard window or gamelike full-screen mode. Arrange your secondary info windows just how you like them - or park them into extra monitors. Customize your map and info windows to perfection to suit your play style. Description Image Hundreds of changes and additions to gameplay based directly on user feedback means the game is now yours more than ever. Minimaps? Check. Quickly load recent scenarios or saves? Yup. Real-time dynamic ORBATs of both friendly forces and known contacts? Yessir. Time-step sim execution to prevent “runaway sim”? Can do. Glorious victories or crushing defeats have never felt so easy to experience. Description Image Don’t spend too long gawking at the pretty maps, because the battlefield is even more alive and ready to crush you! Expanded ground ops let you take advantage of distinct terrain types (desert, forest, urban, swamps etc.) for mobility, weapon effects and visibility. Enhanced AI routines for dogfights and even more technical factors make your grip on air superiority more tenuous. The groundbreaking features of the “Chains Of War” campaign are now standard: Disrupt your enemy’s communications to isolate his units (but watch out for your own), perform scriptless amphibious, airdrop or pickup operations, watch as aircraft limber back shot almost to pieces and marvel at exotic new weaponry. Description Image Description Image Even at the dawn of unmanned systems, combat is not a dry hardware comparison. Your war machines are crewed or remote-controlled by human beings: people trained with varied proficiency (from novice to ace), operating under custom doctrine and rules of engagement (when to do what, how to decide, how to react etc.), most of the time making the rational decision, and sometimes making a brilliant call or a mistake. These people often matter far more than the hardware. The deadliest combat units are only as sharp as their crews. Description Image Korea. Colonial wars. Vietnam. Middle East. Cuba. Falklands. Iran-Iraq. World War 3. Desert Storm. India & Pakistan. The Arctic circle. Past and future conflicts in the Pacific, Norwegian Sea, Russian & Chinese periphery and more. Experience conflict from post-WW2 all the way to 2020+ and beyond, in more than 600 official and community scenarios. Test your mettle against lethal land-based missile batteries, air regiments, naval fleets or pirate groups. Face off against threats of the past, present and future. How do you measure up against the challenges of modern warfare? Description Image The new “Quick Battle Generator” lets you quickly get into the action without worrying about wider strategic or political complexities. Or use the ultra-powerful scenario editor to put together your own dream battle just the way you want it. Enhanced scripting capabilities through the built-in Lua engine mean you can even create your own combat AIs. Think you can create your own WOPR/Joshua? Prove it! Description Image All the original Command official scenarios remastered from scratch by professional scenario designer Rory Noonan (author of the “Silent Service” scenario set), plus brand-new official and community scenarios to quench your wargaming appetite. Updated cold-war and modern-day databases with the latest in hardware and systems mean you’ll never run out of setups to try out. Seamlessly import and use your existing Command scenarios, saves, .inst files and more! Command: Modern Operations. Just when you thought it cannot get any better. Description Image FEATURES * Revised user interface, based on dark theme and with lots of tweaks for improved gameplay. * Completely re-written map engine, enabling fast and lag-free zoom & pan operations. * New spectacular high-resolution map layers * Support for real-time Tacview 3D view (NOTE: separate purchase of Tacview Advanced edition required) * Numerous new UI & gameplay features such as hover-info databox, time-step mode, colored datablocks, minimaps, "recently loaded" scens/saves etc. * Massive boost in simulation performance/scalability. * Automatic on-demand remote fetching of platform images (Players no longer need to manually download and install the database image packs) * Message Log 2.0: A radically improved message reporting system. * New game mode: Quick Battle Generator * New line-of-sight (LOS) tool * New ScenEdit feature: Merge scenarios * New sim features: - Customizable aircraft formations - Terrain type affecting movement, vulnerability and detectability of ground forces - New cost-based pathfinder engine - Realistic sub comms - Patrols with customizable movement pattern - Vastly improved aircraft flight model - Improved dogfight AI - Aircraft crew G-tolerance - Radar frequency agility - Explicit Doppler-notching * Renewed emphasis on overall gameplay experience: - Additional and expanded tutorials - Stylized map icons by default - The "Chains Of War” previously-exclusive features (cargo & amphib ops, aircraft damage, comms disruption and advanced weapon types) are now standard.

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Game Age Ratings (For Parents)

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Game Genres & Tags (7)

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Game Developer (1)

Developed by WarfareSims.

Game Publishers (2)

Published by Slitherine Software and Matrix Games.


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Here are the recommended system requirements for Command: Modern Operations. Please note that download sizes, operating systems and other requirements vary depending on platform. We advise looking at the requirements before buying from a retailer on their website.

Operating System (OS):Windows
Storage (Size):40GB available space
Memory (RAM):8GB RAM
Processor (CPU):(64-bit) quad-core, 4th-generation Intel or equivalent
Graphics Card (GPU):(64-bit) DX11 compatible GeForce GT 1030+ or equivalent
DirectX Version:Version 11


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What are the age ratings for this game (for parents)?

We haven't got any age ratings on file for this game, you will need to search for the age rating on any of the following websites: ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB. Please note that age ratings are different in each region - for example ESRB is used in the United States.

Which platforms can I play/activate this game on?

Command: Modern Operations is currently available on the following platforms:

  • PC

When was this video game released?

Command: Modern Operations was released:

14th November 2019

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may have released earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There are 3 companies which have created Command: Modern Operations, here is a full list of credited developers and publishers:


Where and how can I buy/download/try this game?

You can view all available product offers under the "Buy (Compare Prices)" tab at the top of the page. Use the filters to narrow down the results and grab the right offer for you, choose from 90+ approved retailers and get this game on all major platforms including PC, console, VR/AR, mobile/tablet and cloud gaming services. A demo/trial of this game might be available, which will allow you to try a limited version before you buy.

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What are reviews for this video game like?

You can read user reviews and critic scores for this video game by clicking the "Audience Reviews" tab at the top of the page, this will show you an overview of reviews on platforms like Steam, GOG and OpenCritic.

Is this video game part of a series/franchise?

Yes, it most certainly is! Command: Modern Operations is part of the following video game franchises:

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Reviews of Command: Modern Operations


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{"id":"60990","type":0,"store":"Humble Store","store_type":"Official Store","store_is_official":true,"store_desc":"Humble Bundle sells games, ebooks, software, and other digital content. Our mission is to support charity while providing awesome content to c...","store_css":"humble-store","store_image":"humble-store","store_id":51,"store_slug":"humble-store","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"79.99","price_without_coupon":"79.99","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":false,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"68.59","EUR":"79.86","USD":"79.99"}}
{"id":"60992","type":0,"store":"Gamivo","store_type":"Marketplace","store_is_official":false,"store_desc":"Gamivo is a marketplace for digital games on the market. We are focused to bring you the best and safe platform for all digital transactions....","store_css":"gamivo","store_image":"gamivo","store_id":44,"store_slug":"gamivo","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"31.34","price_without_coupon":"31.34","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":true,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"24.66","EUR":"28.43","USD":"31.34"}}
{"id":"60993","type":0,"store":"G2A","store_type":"Marketplace","store_is_official":false,"store_desc":"G2A is is the world's largest marketplace for digital products where 19 million customers come to browse over 75 thousand products from 400 th...","store_css":"gtwoa","store_image":"g2a","store_id":30,"store_slug":"g2a","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"28.50","price_without_coupon":"28.50","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":true,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"20.97","EUR":"24.54","USD":"28.50"}}
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{"id":"60996","type":0,"store":"CDKeys","store_type":"Key Seller","store_is_official":false,"store_desc":"Here at, we specialise in providing you with the best digital codes for the hottest games. There's no need to pay full price or wai...","store_css":"cdkeys","store_image":"cdkeys","store_id":12,"store_slug":"cdkeys","edition_name":"Standard Edition","edition_html":"Standard Edition <span class=\"for no-text\" title=\"Available on Windows\"><i class=\"fab fa-windows\"><\/i><b><\/b><\/span>","platform_name":"Steam","platform_icon":"fab fa-steam","region":"Global","is_see_price":false,"price":"25.49","price_without_coupon":"25.49","discount":0,"in_basket":false,"coupon_info":[false,"",0,"No information provided."],"bg":"https:\/\/\/uploads\/handler.gz?compress=v1&width=960&height=165&fit=cover&padding=0&bg=&","has_checkout_fees":false,"affiliate":true,"currency_conversion":[],"all_prices":{"GBP":"19.69","EUR":"23.59","USD":"25.49"}}
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Command: Modern Operations - Game Background
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Command - Franchise Background
Part of the Command franchise. View all 1 games in this franchise (series).

Quick Links For Command: Modern Operations

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Name:Command: Modern Operations
Release Date:14th November 2019 (14/11/2019)
Current Price:$23.61 to $79.99 (Compare Prices)
Publishers:Slitherine Software, Matrix Games

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